Friday, February 28, 2020

Control mechanisms Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Control mechanisms - Research Paper Example Employee incentive program and scheduling of business processes are also dependent on the budget control mechanism. At Boeing, managers do effective budgeting before starting any new project because it makes them complete the projects without facing any financial problem. The benefits, which budgeting control mechanism provides to the management of Boeing, include control over financial resources, improved financial communication, and achievement of definite business objectives. Scheduling of business operations is very important for Boeing, as the company has to deal with commercial as well as military clients. Management of Boeing makes use of project network diagrams and Gantt Charts to do proper scheduling of all business activities. As compared to employee incentive program, which is use to improve employee productivity, scheduling is somewhat more important control mechanism because it has to deal with the management of core business processes required for ensuring production and project completion within the deadlines. Scheduling means to time the business operations in such a way that none of the business operations becomes obstacle in the way of other business operations. Boeing makes a great use of this control mechanism to improve the performance of employees. This control mechanism not only helps the company improve performance and productivity of employees but also improves employee loyalty. Boeing offers different kinds of incentives and rewards to its employees to motivate them. Wellness programs, health insurance, and paid vacations are some of the most considerable incentives that Boeing offers to its employees. This control mechanism holds great importance in the success of Boeing aerospace company. It means to manage the information that is required to run business operations and other activities of an organization. The key tasks of Boeing’s information system include

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Family Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Family Sociology - Essay Example According to the NSCFC (2010), the family system in UK has undergone many solid changes during the past fifty years. According to their statistics, fifty years ago only 25 percent of people above thirty were single, however this percentage has reached to 55% in 2007. The discipline of Sociology views the family as being the basic unit of society (Bernardes, 1997). The idea of nuclear family is quite powerful; it includes the correctness of gender specific roles and also the responsibility of parents regarding the well being and upbringing of children (Muncie, 1995; cited in Bernardes, 1997). Immigration, technological development, economic pressure, homosexuality and increased broken and displaced families have created great diversity among the UK family system (Diversity in families and households, 2010). Ethnic families are more extended as compared to British families that are more nuclear. Separated and reconstituted families are also common in which children from different parents have to live with their step siblings. In secularized countries, the family is more cohabitation based than legal marriage based and homosexual co habituation is also common (Cheal, 2002). According to Bernardes (1997), it is a common perception among people that a family consists of a heterogeneous couple, with a small number of healthy kids, where the women have the primary task of care taking and may be occasional supportive income source and the men have the real bread winning task. Women having young children are usually financially dependent on men and are not a part of the paid work world at all (Allan, 1999). As soon as a baby is born, the women are forced to stay at home and care for the young one, while men are expected to earn enough to provide for the family. This snatches the privilege of being paid for work from the women despite the fact that they work at home as much as men do