Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Song Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Song Analysis - Essay Example Buble wrote these lines when he was on a tour to Italy where the separation from his beloved pained him too much, and he wished to get back to his beloved at the earliest. A close reading of the song explores certain other poetical devises such as the repetition of some phrases, images and the usage of figurative speech that add imaginative coloring to the song. Buble begins the song with a note of pathos in his words. For Buble, even the great cities like Rome or Paris does not pacify his unquenchable thirst to reach home and share some sweet moments with his beloved. Like a child’s crossness, he repeats, ‘I wanna go home.’ The repetition of the phrase is capable of haunting the minds of the listeners who feel the intense desire of the writer to reach home. The multitude of people, ‘Another aeroplane (Line 17),’ ‘Another sunny place (Line 18), ‘Another winter’ (32) and so on, does not satisfy the writer. While reading through the lyrics of the song, one gets various images of the male narrator of the song, his journeys, alienation, and his earnestness for reunion. From the narration, it is quite evident that the narrator is a busy man, travelling from one place to another and could not find sufficient time to reach home. He himself admits that his words are cold and flat and his beloved needs more than that. This also brings to us the image of a beloved, anxiously waiting for the letters and presence of her lover. The narrator’s words, ‘I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life/It’s like I just stepped outside’ (Lines 25-26) bring out the image of a discontented person. The lyricist has resorted to some figure of speech to enkindle the feeling of the narrator in the song. One can find the usage of the figure of speech simile in the lines, ‘I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life,’ and in, ‘It’s

Monday, October 28, 2019

Value of Homework Essay Example for Free

Value of Homework Essay Homework can be defined in simple words as â€Å"any task assigned to students by school teachers that are meant to be carried out during non school hours (cooper 1989).†Students are expected to complete their homework time. Completing homework properly helps students with understand their class work, quizzes, tests, and exams. Most parents think their children are getting less homework. Students who are from low income homes should review over their homework. There is a specific time students for each grade should be spending on their homework. All parents want their children to do well in school. Most parents want to know what their children are learning in school and how they’re doing. Parents usually ask their children if they have homework and how much. These days’ parents say that their children are getting less homework, no matter how much their children get. They just want to see their children studying all day. Sometimes children do get less homework but that doesn’t mean they should review over the work. Parents usually tell them that they should review over their work if they finish early. For parents homework is as easy as going down a slide, but for some students, homework is like fishing because it is boring. Students who are from low income homes might not have all the resources that students form high income homes might have, but they should still review over their homework. The more they review the better they will do in school. Students from low income homes should go for extra help if they don’t understand something. Some students might have well educated parents who can help them but if they don’t they should go for extra help. For some low income home students, homework is as hard as a rock because it is hard, and for most high income home students, homework sometimes has easy killing questions. There is a specific time students from each grade should be spending on their homework. Homework is work at home, work at home is homework. Students from high school should spend at least 1  ½ to 2  ½ hours per night on their homework. Middle school students should spend at least less than 1 hour per night, but if students spend more time on their homework than this, they will probably do better, and everything will seem easier for them to understand. As it was mentioned before, homework is very important to get good grades on tests, quizzes, exams, etc. For some students homework is very hard, for some students homework is very easy, and for some students homework is just fine. But students should always keep in mind that homework is the key to get good marks in classes.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Miss Julie and Its Preface: The Foundation of a Critical Conflict Essay

  Ã‚     From its first publication and performance, August Strindberg's play "Miss Julie" has been the source of critical controversy and debate. Written in the span of little more than one month in the summer of 1888, the play was banned or censored throughout Europe in the late Nineteenth Century. Because it dealt with situations and attitudes deemed morally or socially offensive (the daughter of an aristocrat seduces her father's valet, and he, in turn, coerces her to commit suicide) the initial negative reaction to the play was rooted in generalized, fanatical, self righteous outrage and did not seek to deal with or engage the text in any specific manner. Instead, "Miss Julie" was a convenient target, symptomatic of all that was corrupting and dangerous in an increasingly progressive world. By the early Twentieth Century, however, more focused moral and artistic critiques were leveled at Strindberg's self proclaimed naturalistic tragedy, a discussion that continues to thrive even today. Though some of the moral and social issues may have lost their radical edge in later decades, there is still an ongoing, lively, and deeply divided debate.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This is not to suggest that these modern critical concerns have forged superior or even different links with the past or to this piece of literature. On the contrary, I would submit that Strindberg himself, as a literary critic of his own work, established (consciously or unconsciously) the fundamental guidelines and ground rules for the interpretive controversies that have followed.   By creating a dynamic tension between his theoretical, essentially pragmatic intentions in his "Preface to Miss Julie" and his creative achievements in " Miss Julie" itself, Strindberg's e... ...wledge our inquiry provides centers around the critical orientation of each voice sounded in the debate.    Works Cited Henderson Archibald. European Dramatists. Cincinnati: Stewart and Kidd Co., 1913. Heller, Otto. Prophets of Dissent. Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1918. Sprinchorn, Evert. Strindberg as Dramatist. New Haven: Yale UP, 1982. Strindberg, August. "Preface to Miss Julie". Michael Meyer trans., 1888. Rpt. in Strindberg Plays: One. Michael Meyer trans. Reading, UK: Cox and Wyman Ltd., 1993. ---. "Miss Julie". Michael Meyer trans., 1888. Rpt. in Strindberg Plays: One. Michael Meyer trans. Reading, UK: Cox and Wyman Ltd., 1993. Tornqvist, Egil and Jacobs, Barry. Strindberg's Miss Julie: A Play and Its Transpositions. Norwich: Norvik, 1988. Williams, Raymond. Drama: From Ibsen to Brecht. New York: Oxford UP, 1968.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz :: biographies biography bio

He was born in Hamburg on 22 February 1857. His father Dr. jur. Gustav Ferdinand Hertz was Jewish, who had converted to Christianity. He was an advocate in Hamburg, then Oberlandsgerichtsrat, and from 1887 Senator and head of the administration of justice. His mother Anna Elisabeth, nà ©e Pfefferkorn, was the daughter of the Frankfurt doctor, Dr. Pfefferkorn. As a child he was interested in practical things and equipped his own workshop. At age of 15, he entered the Johanneum Gymnasium (figure 1). he passed his Abitur (GCE A-levels), the best in his class. He showed an early interest in the natural sciences, and a practical skill in building physics equipment in the family workshop. He was also an enthusiastic linguist, learning Arabic and Sanskrit. Three years later, he left schood and went to Frankfurt to gain practical experience as the beginning of a career in engineering. In 1876 He went to Dresden Ploytechnic to work. He entered Munich University to be a scientist rather than an engineer during a year of compulsory military service from 1876 to 1877. In addition, he began studies in mathematics, but switched to practical physics. He moved to Berlin in 1878 and he met Hermann Helmholtz (1821 - 1894) who immediately recognized his talents and encouraged him greatly. He gained his PhD in 1880 and reminded at Berlin to work with Helmholtz as his assistant. In 1883, Hertz moved to Kiel to lecture in physics. He began his studies of the recent electromagnetic theory of James Clerk Maxwell. Maxwell's theory had been based on unusual mechanical ideas about the luminiferous ether. and had not been universally accepted. In 1884, Hertz rederived Maxwell's equations by a new method, casting them in modern form without assumption of ether. However, the lack of a proper laboratory there caused him to take up the position of Professor of Physics at Karlsruhe and stayed for four years in 1885. In 1886 Hertz married Elizabeth Doll, daughter of a Karlsruhe professor; they had two daughters named Johanna and Mathilde. He discovered radio waves in 1888. In the same year, he began to suffer from toothache. In 1889 Hertz was appointed professor of physics at the University of Bonn and he continued his research on the discharge of electricity in rarefied gases. During the summer of 1892, he suffered from a bone disease and died of blood poisoning on 1 January 1894 at the early age of 36.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pens Is Mighter Than the Sword Essay

Apparently, its structure is also not impressive in its built, but it has great strength and power. The holder of pen is always knowledgeable and learned man. He succeeds everywhere and his orders are obeyed. If the weapon of a warrior is a sword, the weapon of a learned and a commanding authority is the pen. Who so ever held the pen he would get the respect, wealth and fame, and he who left it, would become ineffective, unsuccessful and futile. History has proved that the pen is mightier. All philosophers, doctors, educated and wise men, scientists, poets, writers and engineers got their repute due to the pen. Their names are still alive today only on account of their books, theories, laws and their written works left behind them. Had they not held the pen in their hand, they would not have had education and ultimately their names would have been buried with them in the grave and remained unknown in oblivion. The progress of sciences, evolution, and advancement of the world at large, all is indebted to the pen only. The man invented electricity, ships, Aeroplane, radio and television. He is now commanding seas, mountain, rivers, air, water, fire, the Sun the Moon and the Earth. He is willing to go beyond the moon. The man had invented the computer, robot, and he has succeeded in inventing the treatment of previously un-curable diseases. The information technology has brought the countries of the world very closer to each other. The latest news of one end of the world is known to the other end in a fraction of time. All these miracles have been possible by the knowledge delivered by pen. Now some of us might wonder how the pen can be mightier than the sword. Yes! None can deny the sword has also great importance, because it is the next name of might and power. However, the sword can create havoc, spread a sense of terror like Changez Khan, and conquer the world. With the swords, you can only learn fighting each other. There are many other weapons of terror that has been invented. Now all the super powers have the atomic power, the most destructive weapon of the modern time. The holders of such weapons are supposed to be mightier countries. Now I ask my opposition to answer how the atom bomb, has been invented. In fact, this is the gift of science or knowledge whose alternate name is pen. This proves that the power itself is not self reliant without the help of pen. The power having no support of pen will never be effective, and will be weak and defenceless. I do not say that the sword and other weapons used are useless, but their use should be strictly limited to self-defence and for the ultimate benefit of mankind. It is therefore imperative that the sword is used for tyranny and oppression as well as implement justices. Whereas the pen whose second name is knowledge and wisdom makes the nation literate, cultured, and well behaved. The words from pen are always better than blood spilt out by the sword. We could express and convey our feelings of justice and peace through words of wisdom. Our thoughts and opinions, justice and belief, laws of human rights and humanitarian principles can only be written through the pen. You cannot enforce justice and peace through the mightiest sword. The pen is the pioneer of truth and justice, teaches us to help poor, oppressed and downtrodden. The rule of the pen can make the world a peaceful place and a paradise on the Earth.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

U.S. Military Intervention in Bolivia essays

U.S. Military Intervention in Bolivia essays Thirty years ago, on October 8, 1967, gunfire echoed through a steep ravine of the Andes Mountains in southern Bolivia. The guerrilla band led by Ernesto "Che" Guevara a chief lieutenant in the Sierra Maestra, author of a book on guerilla tactics, one-time president of Cubas National Bank and later Minister of Industries under Castro, and who renounced his Cuban citizenship and set off to devote his services to the revolutionary cause in other lands was pinned down and surrounded by U.S.-trained Bolivian Army Rangers. Less than a year earlier, Guevara and a team of cadres had secretly traveled from Cuba to Bolivia to launch a guerrilla war, hoping to topple Bolivia's pro-U.S. military government. Guevara had gone up into the mountains with about 50 supporters. Within months they were discovered by Bolivian troops and an intense pursuit started. Trying to escape the government forces, Guevara divided his supporters into two groups, and was never able to reunite them. His diary recor ds that, by late August, his group was exhausted, demoralized and down to 22 men. On August 31 the other group was ambushed and wiped out crossing a river. On September 26, Bolivian army units ambushed Che's remaining forces near the isolated mountain huts of La Higuera. The guerrillas found no way out of the encirclement. Several died in the shooting. Guevara himself was wounded in the leg. He and two other fighters were captured on October 8 and taken to an old one-room schoolhouse in La Higuera. The next day, October 9, a helicopter flew in a man called "Felix Ramos" who wore the uniform of a Bolivian officer. "Ramos" took charge of the prisoner. Two hours later, Che Guevara and both other guerrillas were executed. The weapons and equipment of the killers were American-made. The Bolivian officer who took Guevara prisoner had been trained at Fort Bragg at a U.S. school for army coups, murder and counterinsurgency. And the man...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Book Mother Teresa by Emma Johnson

The Book Mother Teresa by Emma Johnson Free Online Research Papers The book Mother Teresa by Emma Johnson has a great biography of Mother Teresa. It shows where Mother Teresa’s life started and where it ended. I think that this book give an honest opinion of Mother Teresa. It demonstrates how she became so famous and how generous she was. The book also shows why she chose to do some things in her life. Emma Johnson explains Mother Teresa’s life in a way that no one else can. Mother Teresa is born in 1910 as Agnes in Skopje. Agnes leaves her family forever to become a nun. She starts teaching as a nun in Darjeeling and is named Sister Teresa in 1928. She later is moved to Calcutta and she becomes a principal at the school. In 1947, Sister Teresa sees how poor people are in Calcutta and decides to leave the convent to help the poor. Many volunteers decide to help her out when she becomes Mother Teresa and the founder of the Missionaries of Charity in 1950. The Missionaries of Charity is opened outside of India when it gains success in India. Many homes are opened to help the poor. Mother Teresa receives many prizes for her kind work. After many years of her helping the poor, she dies at the age of 87 in 1997. As you can see, Mother Teresa had helped the poor and disadvantaged of the world. She was very bighearted and had a lot of determination to go on with her order. She also had a lot of courage to first leave her family and also help out the poor alone. People saw her generous acts and decided to help her out and then she became famous. If it wasn’t for Mother Teresa, then all the poor and disadvantaged of the world would still be suffering. I would definitely recommend this book to all my friends. I would also recommend this book to all of the people I know outside of school. It will show anyone who reads the book how generous a person can be. It will also show them that you can help strangers because they can also help you when you need help. A book like Mother Teresa includes how generous a person can be to help someone out. Mother Teresa was a person who devoted her life to help the poor and disadvantaged of the world. Research Papers on The Book Mother Teresa by Emma JohnsonBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XTrailblazing by Eric AndersonMind TravelPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Fifth HorsemanHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayThe Spring and AutumnThe Effects of Illegal Immigration19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided Era

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Exam Essay for Public Administration

Exam Essay for Public Administration What ideas does the reading of Mayo's Hawthorne study contain for securing worker cooperation with management in achieving organizational goals in the case of “American Ground”? Or is it largely irrelevant to coping with the problems presented by this case? If so, why? If not, why not?OverviewOn September 11, 2001 two jet airliners driven by terrorists crashed into the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings. Shortly after these aircraft slammed into the TWC; both buildings collapsed, killing over 3000 Americans and trapping several thousand dead corpses in the rubble. Langewieschies case study focuses on the cleanup efforts and how the different parties involved interact with each other. The players include Mayor Giuliani, the DDCs, Kenneth Holden and Michael Burton, Tony Coles, New York cities police, firemen, medical examiner, construction crews, and the victims families of WTC terrorist attack. Early in the recovery effort it became apparent that all the aforementioned parties had their own views on how the cleanup and handling of human remains should proceed.English: New York Air National Guard Maj. James T....Mayor Giuliani recommended that the cleanup be quick and cost effective. The surviving family members were not satisfied with how the mayor and his designated representatives went about the business of recovering the remains of their fallen family members.A little over a month after the towers had collapsed, fighting erupted at the World Trade Center (WTC) site. Firemen attacked Police when a firefighter demonstration went askew and became violent. The Firemen were marching on the WTC cleanup site after being banned from having full access to search for their fallen coworkers. Several arrests were made by Police at the scene and charges were filed initially. There were ironworkers there protesting along with the Firemen but it is still unclear if they even knew what they were protesting. Rudy Giuliani wanted the ironworkers identified and...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Networking Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Networking - Term Paper Example Sometimes, single-mode fibers are set up in premise mainstay cables or may be set up as "dark" fiber in expectation of future requirements. c) Frame - The measurement of 328 feet has to do totally with collision identification of a Carrier Sense Multi Access / Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) network. Essentially, the length is restricted by the fact that the shortest conceivable frame size (64 bytes) can be directed out on the wire and if a collision happens, the sending node will still be transferring that frame when it detects the collision because of a jam signal or advanced than ordinary amplitude. There is a stipulation that when a collision happens in the course of the first 64 bytes of a frame, this is a regular collision. And if something is out of specification such as the electric wiring is too long and the collision happens in the course of the first 64 bytes, this is a late collision and will not be resent until a higher layer of the OSI model identify that the packet did not succeed to its terminus. One can run lengthier electric wiring and the network will still be operational, however there will be problems . ARP denotes Address Resolution Protocol. It is employed in association with a layer 2 (Data Link layer) address (MAC address) and a layer 3 (Network layer) address (such as an IP address). When the destination IP address is known, a default gateway and the subnet mask is fixed. As a result, your personal computer can work out for itself that the packet is not intended for the local network. As a substitute, your computer will employ the of the default gateway of the MAC address. When the default gateway (router) obtains the frame it will counter check that the MAC address is similar to its own, so the frame must be a match for it. The network hub will  un-encapsulate the data connection frame and forward the data fragment to the  network layer (Tildefrugal, 2015). Here at the network layer, the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business strategy - Assignment Example Continuous upgradation of its fleet is another area of its core competency. Strategic analysis using PESTEL and Five Forces analysis suggests that Etihad operates in an attractive industry but the buying power of consumers is high due to high level of competition in the industry. However, because of their core strengths, the airline would be able to achieve its goals and mission. There is ample opportunity for growth and expansion and based on its differentiation strategy, Etihad would continue to grow. Etihad has the location advantage also but customer service is not difficult to replicate and hence, Etihad needs to pursue differentiation through the economic support of the emirate. Analysis of the business strategy helps ascertain the location of the organization within the industry environment. Strategy need not be based on rational planning or even conscious making decision assumptions (Mintzberg, 1987). Strategy can be formulated at three different levels – the corporate level, the business unit level and the functional or departmental level. This paper would analyse the business level and the functional level strategy adopted by Abu Dhabi based Etihad Airlines. Sustainable competitive advantage can be created and maintained either through market position or through core competencies (Leavy, 2003). The positioning approach can be evaluated through PESTEL analysis and the generic strategies which would reveal two dimensions of positioning – the industry attractiveness and the competitive strength. The strategic choice should be on how to leverage advantage amidst the competitive environment. The strategic choice should fit with the goals and objectives to gain competitive advantage (Allen & Helms, 2006). Porter asserts that there are three basic strategies and firms perform best by adopting one of them – cost leadership, differentiation and focus (Allen & Helms, 2006). To become an industry leader, the company must be competitive. While

Marketing plan for homecare organization Carewatch UK Term Paper

Marketing plan for homecare organization Carewatch UK - Term Paper Example The intention of this study is Carewatch UK. The company is a world leader in providing homecare services to elderly, or medically unfit people, it also provides a substitute to nursing and residential care and, and is the leading homecare service providers in UK. The company today offers practical, personal and complex care to more than 23,000 clients that also include people with behavioral problems, mental issues, and learning disabilities. The company provides personalized services based on individual needs of the client that deals mainly in personal care, home care and medical care. It has become one of the largest companies in homecare sector across the globe and the company has set its business by focusing upon individual customers and their needs. At present, the market analysis for Carewatch seems to be positive. There are a number of prominent benefits to the company in various markets across UK. The company offers personalized services through care and support workers that assist the consumer in different ways such as practical support with light domestic duties, shopping, washing, getting ready, and cleaning, and companionship. The company also provides complex care services in the wake of illness, nursing (long and short term), hospital discharge, and specialist support for mental health conditions. The company offers person centered services that are designed to give flexibility, choice and control; and assist people who remain at home or are forced to remain at home following poor health conditions, people who need early intervention, and respite care. The practical Suppo

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Literary Synthesis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Literary Synthesis Paper - Essay Example The modern concept of PTSD has always been with us. It was first officially introduced into the mental health nomenclature-in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition (DSM-III) in 1980 after a hard-won struggle by activist-professionals. During the Vietnam War like Henry many soldiers had to fight an unseen enemy that's eating them inside out. Henry was caught and given the status of Prison of War. Prisoners of war (POW) have been found to have high rates of PTSD. Its been estimated as high as 30 to 70 percent for POWs of World War II and 15 percent for Vietnam veterans have been proposed. The conditions POWs are exposed to are often severe and include captivity, fear, terror, pain, suffering, shame, humiliation, beatings, untreated medical problems, being deprived of food and shelter, forced relocation, excessive work regimes, and witnessing executions. Levels of comorbid conditions are also high, including depression and even neurological impairment. Lyman though not a doctor tried to control his brother's emotions and treated him as a normal person. Treatment for veterans is unique in several keys way. To begin with, research indicates that overall, treatment is less beneficial for veterans; they come to treatment much longer after the initial trauma and have a more complex presentation, higher levels of comorbidity, and higher levels of social and occupational dysfunction. Those veterans with PTSD currently serving in the military present another complex group, and treatment suggestions include focusing on increasing coping and resilience factors and preventing relapse. Veterans may also have a tendency to focus on somatic complaints. Without any knowledge about disorder Lyman helped his brother way out in a cognitive manner. Most of the Vietnam War veterans suffered from PTSD. Cognitive therapy is built on an information-processing model of psychology, viewing pathology as a consequence of systematic biases in the processing of information. In essence, the mediating role of thinking between stimulus and behavior is the critical point of change and alteration in cognitive therapy. Errors in thinking and the processing of information, be it environmental or more internal in nature, are the targets of therapy. Many different concepts and terms are used to characterize and describe thinking and dysfunctional cognitions in cognitive therapy, such as schemas, automatic thoughts, conditional assumptions, maladaptive cognitions, and cognitive distortions. A specific type of cognitive errors characterizes different classes of mental disorders. Henry used cognitive method to treat his brother without any knowledge that he was treating his brother. Henry used to get irritated at minute disturbances and in one scenario he bitten his lip and blood oozing out. It didn't effected Henry. Behavior therapy emphasizes the unlearning of maladaptive or problem behavior and the acquisition of more adaptive and healthy behavior. Therapists attempt this with a number of techniques, including behavior modification, guided imagery, role-playing, self-monitoring, relaxation training, progressive relaxation, behavioral rehearsal, activity scheduling, and exposure techniques. Behavior therapy works in many ways

Free Fall Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Free Fall - Lab Report Example Under the principles, the distance covered by an object in motion bears a proportional relationship with the square of time taken by the object to cover that distance. The constant of proportionality is the gravitational acceleration with the value 9.8 ms-2 under assumption of negligible resistance to the motion. This means that any freely falling object should move with an acceleration of 9.8 meters per second regardless of the nature of the falling object (Serway and Jewett, p. 56, 57). The concept of acceleration on free falling objects corresponds to Newton’s equation of motion with the acceleration as the force that acts on the falling object to determine its velocity at a given time. Two Newton’s equations of motion can then be used to relate initial velocity, final velocity, distance covered, time, and acceleration. The equations are This paper seeks to investigate free fall. Its core objective is to determine the accelerating force that acts on a freely dropped object from a height, using experimental set up to determine time and corresponding distance covered by a freely falling object. The experimental procedure involved releasing an object at a height and allowing it to freely fall. The object was clamped at a height and then allowed to fall to the clamp’s base. Measurements were then taken for time and corresponding distance covered along the object’s vertical path. The obtained data was then used to calculate corresponding velocities and the object’s acceleration to the clamp’s base. The corresponding values of distance and time are used to determine the object’s velocity and acceleration at the different times. The following excel output summarizes the computed values for velocity and acceleration along the object’s free fall. The calculated acceleration, 10.31 m/s ², is slightly above the theoretical value of 9.8 m/s ². The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Literary Synthesis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Literary Synthesis Paper - Essay Example The modern concept of PTSD has always been with us. It was first officially introduced into the mental health nomenclature-in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition (DSM-III) in 1980 after a hard-won struggle by activist-professionals. During the Vietnam War like Henry many soldiers had to fight an unseen enemy that's eating them inside out. Henry was caught and given the status of Prison of War. Prisoners of war (POW) have been found to have high rates of PTSD. Its been estimated as high as 30 to 70 percent for POWs of World War II and 15 percent for Vietnam veterans have been proposed. The conditions POWs are exposed to are often severe and include captivity, fear, terror, pain, suffering, shame, humiliation, beatings, untreated medical problems, being deprived of food and shelter, forced relocation, excessive work regimes, and witnessing executions. Levels of comorbid conditions are also high, including depression and even neurological impairment. Lyman though not a doctor tried to control his brother's emotions and treated him as a normal person. Treatment for veterans is unique in several keys way. To begin with, research indicates that overall, treatment is less beneficial for veterans; they come to treatment much longer after the initial trauma and have a more complex presentation, higher levels of comorbidity, and higher levels of social and occupational dysfunction. Those veterans with PTSD currently serving in the military present another complex group, and treatment suggestions include focusing on increasing coping and resilience factors and preventing relapse. Veterans may also have a tendency to focus on somatic complaints. Without any knowledge about disorder Lyman helped his brother way out in a cognitive manner. Most of the Vietnam War veterans suffered from PTSD. Cognitive therapy is built on an information-processing model of psychology, viewing pathology as a consequence of systematic biases in the processing of information. In essence, the mediating role of thinking between stimulus and behavior is the critical point of change and alteration in cognitive therapy. Errors in thinking and the processing of information, be it environmental or more internal in nature, are the targets of therapy. Many different concepts and terms are used to characterize and describe thinking and dysfunctional cognitions in cognitive therapy, such as schemas, automatic thoughts, conditional assumptions, maladaptive cognitions, and cognitive distortions. A specific type of cognitive errors characterizes different classes of mental disorders. Henry used cognitive method to treat his brother without any knowledge that he was treating his brother. Henry used to get irritated at minute disturbances and in one scenario he bitten his lip and blood oozing out. It didn't effected Henry. Behavior therapy emphasizes the unlearning of maladaptive or problem behavior and the acquisition of more adaptive and healthy behavior. Therapists attempt this with a number of techniques, including behavior modification, guided imagery, role-playing, self-monitoring, relaxation training, progressive relaxation, behavioral rehearsal, activity scheduling, and exposure techniques. Behavior therapy works in many ways

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 107

Discussion - Assignment Example In the year 2013, Target Company’s data were hacked in its stores. This presented serious threats to the credit and debit cards of approximately 40 million customers. This follows the introduction of malware to the POS system in the stores (Cheng, 1). In the year 2014 on January 10, the Target Company admitted that approximately 70 million of its customers faced serious security issues. This is because their personal information were stolen following the security breach. This resulted to several losses to the company. In addition, the security breach at Target Company eroded the company’s good reputation. It is estimated that in 2013, the security breach cost the shareholders at the Target Company approximately $148 million (Cheng, 2). From the above incidences, there were several lessons learnt by prospective business persons, including the Target Company that was the victim. It is evident that every operating business premises should have secure data systems. The data should be protected in such a way that hackers cannot easily access them in order to avoid the losses incurred, as well as the negative consequences associated with security breaches. In conclusion, data or security breach is a serious issue to most companies as well as agencies. Data security breaches always paralyze several operations within the companies. In addition, they always result to huge losses and compromise on the reputation of the companies. Cheng, Andria. Target data breach has lingering effect on customer service, reputation scores. Retrieved on 10th June 2014 from

History of the Democratic Party Essay Example for Free

History of the Democratic Party Essay The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States. When this party makes political decisions, the Democratic Party followed a very liberal viewpoint. The Democratic Party is one of the oldest official political parties in the world and it is the oldest official political party in the United States. In 1792, Thomas Jefferson started the Democratic Party to oppose the Federalist Party to fight for the Bill of Rights. The Democratic Party was called the party of the common man. It was probably called this because it supported the normal citizens, like farmers and middle class people. Thomas Jefferson was elected as the first president from the Democratic Party in 1800. Jefferson served as president for two terms for the Democratic Party. Following this, in 1848, the Democratic National Committee was formed by the National Convention. The Democratic National Committee exists, making it the longest standing political organization ever. The Democratic Party is recognized with serving the lower and middle classes by funding government programs such as Welfare and free or low cost medical insurance. This is an opposite belief of the Republican Party who believes in that no one should face a tax increase, especially the rich. Democratic parties typically rule large states such as New York and California. Since these are two states with a high number of electoral votes, the Democratic Party has an advantage in presidential elections, although despite that support, there have still been many Republican presidents voted into office.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Study On The First And Second Congo War History Essay

Study On The First And Second Congo War History Essay Congo has faced many small struggles. The major wars of the Congo are termed as Ist Congo War and Second Congo War. These wars resulted in huge loss and casualty. The First Congo War (November 1996 to May 1997) ended when Zairean President Mobutu Sà ©sà © Seko was overthrown by rebel forces backed by neighboring Uganda and Rwanda. Rebel leader Laurent-Dà ©sirà © Kabila declared himself president and changed the name of the nation back to Democratic Republic of the Congo. The war set the foundation for, and was quickly followed by, the Second Congo War, also named the African World War, which began on August 2, 1998. The Second Congo War, also known as Africas World War and the Great War of Africa, began in August 1998 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly called Zaire), and officially ended in July 2003 when the Transitional Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo took power (though hostilities continue to this day). The largest war in modern African history, it directly involved eight African nations, as well as about 25  armed groups. By 2008 the war and its aftermath had killed 5.4  million people, mostly from disease and starvation, making the Second Congo War the deadliest conflict worldwide since World War II. Millions more were displaced from their homes or sought asylum in neighboring countries. Despite a formal end to the war in July 2003 and an agreement by the former belligerents to create a government of national unity, 1,000  people died daily in 2004 from easily preventable cases of malnutrition and disease. The war and the conflicts afterwards are, amo ng other things, driven by the trade of conflict minerals. First Congo War Origin Mobutu had ruled Zaà ¯re since 1965 with backing from the United States, which viewed him as a bulwark against the Communist MPLA in Angola, ZANU in Zimbabwe, and ANC in South Africa. A wave of democratization swept through Africa in the early 1990s, following the collapse of the Soviet Union. There was substantial internal and external pressure for a democratic transition in Zaà ¯re and Mobutu promised reform. He officially ended the one-party system he had maintained since 1967, but ultimately was unwilling to implement broad reform, alienating allies both at home and abroad. There had long been considerable internal resistance to Mobutus rule. Opposition included leftists who had supported Patrice Lumumba as well as ethnic and regional minorities opposed to the dominance of the Kinshasa region. Kabila, an ethnic Katangese, had been fighting the Mobutu government for decades. In what became known as the Great Lakes refugee crisis, 2 million Hutu refugees fled from Rwanda, fearing retaliatory genocide, after the Rwandan Patriotic Front took over the country in July 1994, ending the Rwandan Genocide. Among the refugees were members of the Interahamwe, militia groups linked to political parties who took part in the genocide earlier that year. They set up camps in eastern Zaire from which they attacked both Rwandan Tutsis and Banyamulenge, Zairian Tutsis. Mobutu, whose control of the country was beginning to weaken, supported the Hutu extremists for political reasons and did nothing to stop the ongoing violence. Course of the war When the vice-governor of South Kivu Province issued an order in November 1996 ordering the Banyamulenge to leave Zaire on penalty of death, they erupted in rebellion. The anti-Mobutu forces combined to form the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Zaire (AFDL). The AFDL received the support of the leaders of African Great Lakes states, particularly Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Yoweri Mucseveni of Uganda. Lacking foreign military assistance, many elements of the Zairian Army joined Laurent-Dà ©sirà © Kabila as they marched from eastern Congo on Kinshasa. With active support from Rwanda, Uganda and Angola, Kabilas forces moved methodically down the Congo river, encountering only light resistance from the crumbling regime based in Kinshasa. The bulk of his fighters were Tutsis and many were veterans from conflicts in the Great Lakes region of Africa. Kabila himself had credibility because he had been a longtime political opponent of Mobutu, and was a follower of Patrice Lumumba, the first Prime Minister of the independent Congo who was murdered and overthrown from power by a combination of internal and external forces, to be replaced by the then Lt.-Gen. Mobutu. Kabila had declared himself a Marxist and an admirer of Mao Zedong. He had been waging armed rebellion in eastern Zaire for nearly two decades, although according to Che Guevaras account of the conflict, he was an uncommitted and uninspiring leader. Kabilas army began a slow movement westward in December 1996 near the end of the Great Lakes refugee crisis, taking control of border towns and mines and solidifying control. There were reports of massacres and brutal repression by the rebel army. A UN human rights investigator published statements from witnesses claiming that the AFDL engaged in massacres, and that as many as 60,000 civilians were killed by the advancing army, a claim strenuously denied by the AFDL. Roberto Garreton stated that his investigation in Goma turned up allegations of disappearances, torture and killings. He quoted Moese Nyarugabo, an aide to Mobutu, as saying that killings and disappearances should be expected in wartime. In March 1997, Kabilas forces launched an offensive and demanded the government surrender. The rebels took Kasenga on March 27. These reports were dismissed by the government which would begin a long pattern of disinformation from the Defense Minister as to the progress and conduct of the war. Talks were proposed in late March. Etienne Tshisekedi, a long time rival of Mobutu, became Prime Minister on April 2. Kabila, by this point in control of roughly 25% of the country, dismissed the coalition government as irrelevant and warned Tshisekedi that he would have no part in a new government if he accepted the post. Throughout the month of April the AFDL made consistent progress down the river, and by May were on the outskirts of Kinshasa. On May 16, 1997, the multinational army headed by Kabila battled to secure Lubumbashi airport in the southeast of the country after peace talks broke down and Mobutu fled the country. He died on September 7, 1997 in Morocco. Laurent-Dà ©sirà © Kabila proclaimed himself president on the same day and immediately ordered a violent crackdown to restore order. He then began an attempt at reorganization of the nation as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, once Kabila was in power, the situation changed dramatically. He quickly became suspected of corruption and authoritarianism comparable to Mobutu. Many pro-democratic groups abandoned him. He began a vigorous centralization campaign, bringing renewed conflict with minority groups in the east who demanded autonomy. Kabila began to turn against his former Rwandan allies when they showed little sign of withdrawing from his territory. He accused them and their allies of trying to capture the regions mineral resources. His reliance on the Rwandan government for political and military aid contributed to the perception that he was a puppet of the Rwandan government. In August 1998, Kabila dismissed all ethnic Tutsis from the government and ordered all Rwandan and Ugandan officials to leave the DRC. The two countries then turned against their former client, sending troops to aid rebels attempting to overthrow Kabila. This paved the way for the beginning of the Second Congo War. Second Congo War The second Congo war was a consequence of first war Congo war. The First Congo War began in 1996 as Rwanda grew increasingly concerned that members of Rassemblement Dà ©mocratique pour le Rwanda militias, who were carrying out cross-border raids from Zaire (currently known as the Democratic Republic of Congo), were planning an invasion. The new Tutsi-dominated government of Rwanda protested this violation of their territorial integrity and began to give arms to the ethnically Tutsi Banyamulenge of eastern Zaire. This intervention was vigorously denounced by the Mobutu govrernment of Zaire, but he did not have any military capability to oppose, and little political capital to spend. With active support from Rwanda, Uganda and Angola, Laurent-Dà ©sirà © Kabilas rebel forces moved methodically down the Congo River, encountering only light resistance from Morbutus crumbling regime based in Kinshasa. The bulk of Kabilas fighters were Tutsis and many were veterans from conflicts in the Great Luakes region of Africa. Kabila himself had credibility because he had been a longtime political opponent of Mobutu, and had been a follower of Patrice Lumumba, the first Prime Minister of the independent Congo who was murdered and overthrown from power by a combination of internal and external forces, to be replaced by the then-Lieutenant General Mobutu in 1965. Kabila had declared himself a Marxist and an admirer of Mao Zedong. He had been waging armed rebellion in eastern Zaire for more than three decades, though, according to Che Guevaras account of the early years of the conflict, he was an uncommitted and uninspirational leader. Kabilas army began a slow movement westward in December 1996 near the end of the Great Lakes refugee crisis, taking control of border towns and mines and solidifying control. There were reports of massacres and brutal repression by the rebel army. A UN human rights investigator published statements from witnesses claiming that Kabilas ADrFLC engaged in massacres, and that as many as 60,000  civilians were killed by the advancing army (a claim strenuously denied by the ADFLC). Roberto Garreton stated that his investigation in Goma turned up allegations of disappearances, torture and killings. He quoted Moese Nyarugabo, an aide to Mobutu, as saying that killings and disappearances should be expected in wartime. Kabilas forces launched an offensive in March 1997 and demanded the government surrender. On March 27 the rebels took Kasenga. The governments denied the rebels success, starting a long pattern of false statements from the Defense Minister as to the progress and conduct of the war. Negotiations were proposed in late March and on April 2 a new Prime Minister was installed, Etienne Tshisekedi, a long time rival of Mobutu. Kabila, by this point in rough control of one quarter of the country, dismissed this as irrelevant, and warned Tshisekedi that he would have no part in a new government if he accepted the post. Throughout the month of April the ADFLC made consistent progress down the river, and by May were on the outskirts of Kinshasa. On May 16, 1997 the multinational army headed by Kabila battled to secure Lubumbashi airport after peace talks broke down and Mobutu fled the country. He died on September 7, 1997 in Morocco. After securing victory, Kabila controlled Kinshasa. He proclaimed himself President on the same day and immediately ordered a violent crackdown to restore order. He then began an attempt at reorganization of the nation. Aftermath and legacy Areas of continuing conflict The fragility of the state has allowed continued violence and human rights abuses in the east. There are three significant centers of conflict: North and South Kivu, where a weakened FDLR continues to threaten the Rwandan border and the Banyamulenge, and where Rwanda supports RCD-Goma rebels against Kinshasa (see Kivu conflict); Ituri, where MONUC has proved unable to contain the numerous militia and groups driving the Ituri conflict; northern Katanga, where Mai-Mai created by Laurent Kabila slipped out of the control of Kinshasa. The ethnic violence between Hutu- and Tutsi-aligned forces has been a driving impetus for much of the conflict, with people on both sides fearing their annihilation as a race. The Kinshasa- and Hutu-aligned forces enjoyed close relations as their interests in expelling the armies and proxy forces of Uganda and Rwanda dovetail. While the Uganda- and Rwanda-aligned forces worked closely together to gain territory at the expense of Kinshasa, competition over access to resources created a fissure in their relationship. There were reports that Uganda permitted Kinshasa to send arms to the Hutu FDLR via territory held by Uganda-backed rebels as Uganda, Kinshasa and the Hutus are all seeking, in varying degrees, to check the influence of Rwanda and its affiliates. Possible Remedial Steps Help by Developed nations. Continued help and support by UNO and its members. Efficient government and its policy. Uplifting moral character and standard of the people by creating awareness and educating people.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Nature of a Crazy Family in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying :: Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying

The Nature of a Crazy Family in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying "My mother is a fish." (p. 79) I think that this statement typifies the entire family. There is something not-quite-right about all of them. Vardeman, as Cora Tull says on page 70, is "outen his head with grief and worry" for his mother. He has confused her with the fish because they both died on the same day. In his child's mind he cannot differentiate between the two. Throughout the novel he refers to his mother as a fish, as on page 196. In this scene, he is looking at the vultures that have gathered over the wagon. Darl and Cash are trying to get Cash's broken leg situated better for the rest of the ride. Vardeman thinks that his "mother is not in the box. My mother does not smell like that. My mother is a fish." Darl is slowly going crazy. He is referred to as being "queer, lazy, pottering about the place no better than Anse" on page 24. However, his true madness is not shown until his monologue at the end of the novel after he has been arrested for burning the barn. Cash believes he did so to try to rid them of Addie's body, but Darl never reveals his motivations. In his final section he seems to be looking in on himself. He refers to his body as Darl, and he asks himself "'What are you laughing at?'" All the answer he gets is "'Yes yes yes yes yes'" (253). Dewey Dell is obsessed with sex and her unwanted pregnancy. Every man that looks at her she looks at with "her eyes kind of blaring up and going hard like [they] had made to touch her" as she does with Tull on page 124. Even in trying to get rid of the fetus, however, she is confronted with sex. She is none the wiser to the wiles of the ‘doctor’ until afterwards when she says, â€Å"’It won’t work [ . . . ] I just know it won’t’† (252). Jewel has some less-than-healthy fascination with his horse. While he frequently beats it about the head, he still refers to it as a â€Å"’sweet son of a bitch’† (13). He was willing to work all night every night for weeks in order to buy the horse, and he disappears for a while when Anse barters it for the new team.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Canterbury Tales Essay - Quest for Power in The Wife of Bath :: Wife of Bath Essays

The Quest for Power in The Wife of Bath The Wife of Bath is a very envious women, who desires only a few simple things in life. She likes to make mirror images of herself, through her stories, which in some way reflects the person who she really is. This is all proven through the many ways she portrays her characters. The Wife of Bath desires the obvious in life, but what she most desires above all is being more powerful than her man, her spouse, and her lover. In a relationship, she wishes to be the dominant of the two. The one who has the last say. The one who is in control and decides all of the matters in the relationship. This is shown in her tale when the knight fulfills his task to her."'...a women wants the self-same sovereignty over her husband and her lover. And master him: he must not be above her. This is your greatest wish...' In the court not one that shook her head or contradicted what the knight had said..." (lines 164-170) The knight had spoken and fulfilled his quest, he found what women what the best. No women in the assembly disagreed with the knight's reply and certainly not the old hag. So it must be true power is what women what the most. There is another example of the desire of power for the women it the relationship. The old hag, after marrying the knight, gives him a choice. For her to either stay ugly and be faithful or to become beautiful and wonder. " 'My lady, my love, my dearest wife, I leave the matter to your wise decision. You make the choice yourself, for the provision. I don't care which; whatever pleases you suffices me.'" "'Have I won the mastery?' she said 'Since I am to choose and rule as I think fit?'" "'Certainly, wife, that's it.'" (lines 310-318) Consequently, the hag became beautiful, but yet still faithful. This example shows how happy the women became when she was given the power. So happy that she rewarded her husband by becoming beautiful. " 'And may Christ Jesus send us husbands (that are) meek and young and fresh in bed. And grace to overbid them when we wed.and-Jesu hear my prayer!- cut short the lives of the those who won't be governed by their wives.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Japanese Culture

Normally, a people’s culture as the total way of life is as a result of the historical, socio-cultural developments of that community. The case is not any different from that of the Japanese culture. This development is clearly exemplified by the fact that virtually all of Japan’s culture such as the Shinto shrines, the beliefs and practices surrounding the shrine and the construction works are based on the myths and legends that were associated with leaders such as Sugawara no Michizane. Similarly, some of the architecture and practices were based on the beliefs concerning the pantheon of gods that characterized the Japanese culture.According to the Japanese culture, mythology and folklore, the Sugawara no Michizane is the proper name for the Tenjin, the indigenous spiritual force that is also known as the personification and the embodiment of the ideal Japanese scholar, politician and poet. As another name for Sugawara no Michizane, Tenjin stands for both sky and deit y, with the same denotation of ‘the god of thunder. ’ The history and culture of the ancient Japanese have it that Sugawara no Michizane rose through the ranks in the government during the late epoch of the 9th century.Nevertheless, at the beginning of 10th century, Sugawara no Michizane succumbed to the plot of a rival group which had traces in the Fujiwara family. This resulted in his demotion and subsequent deposition to Kyushu. This development would later herald his lonesome death which paved way for drought, plague and widespread deaths among the populace in Daigo Empire. The princes of the empire would also fall herein. It is interesting to note that after this development, there were endless spates of lightning rainstorms and heavy deluge.The gravity of the matter is that the locals interpreted these developments as phenomenal and supernatural attestations of the spirits being displeased and irked by the exiling of Sugawara no Michizane. This led to the building and construction of the Shinto shrine located in Kyoto. This shrine was later called the Kitano Tenmangu. In this regard, the office and post of Sugawara no Michizane was thus restored posthumously, while any mentioning of his exiling was totally expunged from the records (Samovar, et al 2009) .As if all the above is not enough, Sugawara became deified as the Kami or the Tenjin-sama of scholarship and learning. It is against this backdrop that most of the Shinto shrines in Japan are dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane. Another important way in which the beliefs, superstitions and practices related to the gods affected the Japanese culture is found in the culture of burial and funeral rites. Particularly, the act is known to have been rejuvenated during the fourteenth generation of Haji family. At this time, Nomi no Sukune as the descendant of the god Amenohohi was the supreme leader.As of the ancient days, during the rein of Emperor Suinin, the funeral arrangements and burial arrang ements were primitive to the core, to an extent that the deceased would be buried alongside his kinsfolk. The burial of Empress Hibasuhime alongside the clay images of 300 potters at the behest of Nomi no Sukune in lieu of living retainers and relatives on the account of the need to have a just government was the first breakaway from the somewhat devious culture. This paved way to the assimilation of the culture of burying people with clay models, as opposed to the living.With time, the culture of burying the dead with the aforementioned accompaniments soon became faced out. Similarly, it is the family of the Sugawara no Michizane that the Confucian movement as a religious way of life. At the same time, Confucian scholars arose from this group to supply the Japanese culture with the culture and spirit of intellectualism. The Haji, together with the middle rank of the Sugawara formed the society’s middle rank, mainly serving the ancient Japanese culture as courtiers.Conversely , that the ancient Japanese culture has its genesis of the belief in the gods is well underscored by the fact that the Japanese culture has been believed to have emanated from the gods. In a closely related wavelength, it remains a fact that Furuhito gave the petition of concerning the Japanese family and history. It is against this backdrop that the Japanese family and culture is known to have been divided into three stages. The stages start with the legendary point or stages; the period of loyalty; and the period of the decline of the Yamato’s family status.All the offshoots of the family are said to have descended from the god Amenohohi. Amenohohi on the other hands is said to have come about as a result of the gods, Amaterasu and Susanoo coming together in a procreating contest (Lebra and Lebra 2006) . The legend has it that Amaterasu took off to the cave, for which Susanoo followed in hot pursuit after her. At this point, Amaterasu is said to have swallowed Susanooâ€⠄¢s sword, giving rise to three girls who were known to be the children of Susanoo.Afterwards, Susanoo swallowed Amaterasu’s jewelry, with the spitting out of five boys. These five boys are known to be the sons of the Amaterasu. Among the five sons is Amenohohi. The fact that this above account is seen to be ubiquitous to among the Japanese is well underscored by its appearance in Nihonshoki and Kojiki letters; albeit the letters exhibiting variations in details. The Kojiki source has the Amenohohi as the ancestor of the Izumo magistrate and the Haji family among five other local magistrates.Despite the scantiness of evidence that would authenticate the accuracy and originality of the Haji account. It is suggested that the Haji sources originated from the Izumo who served in the Yamato courts and also as supervisors of funeral arrangements and pottery making during the ancient times. Investigation into the political and social institutions of the Yamato courts before the 645 AD Taika Reforms yield better and more productive information on the Haji family (Varley, 2000) .Both historical and archaeological evidence point out that the affairs of the Yamato courts and Japan’s primordial social and economic structures are known to have dated as early as the pre-historic era. This standpoint is clearly underscored by the historians’ agreement and approach of dividing the tomb period together with all its markings of religious leadership from the middle tomb period as characterized by heavier military paraphernalia and symbols.Given the above developments, it is easier to see that the Japanese culture was totally fixed upon concepts that bordered on: common lineage and history, to which it was believed that all the concerned clans emanated from the gods [Amaterasu and Susanoo]; common culture and common traditions and religious beliefs. References Lebra, T. S. and Lebra, W. (2006). Japanese Culture and Behavior: Selected Readings. New York: Prent ice Hall. Samovar, L, et al. (2009). Communication between Cultures. New York: SAGE. Varley, H. P. (2000). Japanese Culture. New York: McGraw Hill.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Internet Exercises Appendix Chapter 1

INTERNET EXERCISES APPENDIX Chapter 1: Marketing's Role in the Global Economy Internet Exercise: Wal-Mart You can check out the on-line shopping experience of Wal-Mart on the Web by going to www. wal-mart. com and clicking on â€Å"Go Shopping. † For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 8. Internet Exercise: ONSALE Auction Supersite The ONSALE Auction Supersite features a number of on-line auctions in which different sellers auction off computer, consumer electronics, and other products to buyers. Visit the web site at www. onsale. com and review an open auction for a consumer electronics product.What are the advantages and disadvantages of this market for sellers? For buyers? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 17. Internet Exercise: World Trade Organization The World Trade Organization is a very important force behind the global move toward free trade, but sometimes there are still disputes. Go to the WTO web site at www. wto. org and find out how the WTO settles disputes. Do you think that this procedure favors the developed nations, the less-developed nations, or neither? Give your thinking. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 22.Chapter 2: Marketing's Role within the Firm or Nonprofit Organization Internet Exercise: L. L. Bean The L. L. Bean web site (www. llbean. com) offers consumers a lot of information, including information about national parks. Do you think that this helps Bean to build relationships with its target customers? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 40. Internet Exercise: Lilly Lilly, the pharmaceutical company, makes the effort to be socially responsible. To find out more about Lilly’s corporate citizenship, go to the Lilly home page (www. lilly. om) and click on company information and then click on corporate citizenship. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 42. Chapter 3: Focusing Marketing Strategy with Segmentation and Positioning Internet Exercise: McDonald’s McDonald’s has about 22,000 restaurants in 109 countries. Go to its web site, www. mcdonalds. com, and determine what country is its largest market outside the U. S. Do you think it offers more or less opportunity for future growth than the U. S.? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 67. Internet Exercise: MarriottCourtyard by Marriott targets business travelers. Visit the Marriott web site, www. marriott. com, and write down what you think are the qualifying and determining dimensions for a businessperson choosing Courtyard over Marriott’s other hotel options. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 81. Chapter 4: Evaluating Opportunities in the Changing Marketing Environment Internet Exercise: Tupperware If you were a new marketing manager at Rubbermaid, you might be interested in finding out more about Tupperware, an important competitor in some markets.Wh at type of relevant information could you get by going to the Tupperware web site, (www. tupperware. com)? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 101. Internet Exercise: Consumer Reports The Consumer Product Safety Commission sometimes requires auto makers to issue recalls. However, not all consumers learn about the recalls. Go to the Consumer Reports web site (www. consumerreports. com/recalls) and check to see if there has been a recall on a year and model of car or truck that is of interest to you (say, one owned by your family). For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 110.Chapter 5: Demographic Dimensions of Global Consumer Markets Internet Exercise: CIA’s World Factbook Visit the web site for the CIA’s World Factbook (www. odci. gov/cia/publications/factbook) and compare the profile data for Canada and Australia. How are they similar and how are they different? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 133. Internet Exercise: JNCO Revatex grew rapidly when its wide-leg JNCO brand jeans became a hit with teens. Do you think that its web site (www. jnco. com) does a good job appealing to teens? Why? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 138.Chapter 6: Behavioral Dimensions of the Consumer Market Internet Exercise: SRI’s VALS Go to the SRI Internet site (http://future. sri. com), click on VALS, and then click on â€Å"direct to the survey† to review the VALS questionnaire. If you wish, complete the short questionnaire on-line. SRI will provide you with your VALS profile. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 164. Internet Exercise: GAP To make it easier for consumers to visualize how certain fashions will look together, the GAP’s web site (www. gap. com) has a â€Å"get dressed interactive† feature.Go the GAP web site and check out this feature. Do you think that it makes it easier to evaluate a potential purch ase? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 173. Chapter 7: Business and Organizational Customers and Their Buying Behavior Internet Exercise: Computer Discount Warehouse At the Computer Discount Warehouse web site (www. cdw. com) a buyer can easily compare the features and prices of competing products. Click on desktop computers and then on the CDW Compare feature to do a comparison of two â€Å"high end† computers from two different manufacturers.How helpful would this analysis be if you were a computer buyer? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 187. Internet Exercise: Thomas Register The Thomas Register has a very comprehensive database of firms at its web site (www. thomasregister. com). Click on search and it will prompt you to register. After you register (it’s free), search by product/service on the keyword welding. How could the information provided by your search help you if you sold a product that was used by fir ms in the welding industry? How could it help you if you were a buyer looking for a supplier of welding products?For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 199. Chapter 8: Improving Decisions with Marketing Information Internet Exercise: Yahoo Assume that your boss has asked you to do a customer satisfaction survey. As part of a situation analysis, you want to get ideas about what others have done in this area. Go to the web site for the Yahoo search engine (www. yahoo. com). In the dialogue box type â€Å"customer satisfaction survey† (include the quote marks) and click on search. Look at some of the web sites identified. How helpful is this ?How could it be improved? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 222. Internet Exercise: Perseus Perseus Development Corporation sells software that allows a user to create on-line questionnaires that can be distributed by e-mail or used on the Internet. To see samples of on-line questions, go to the Perseus web site (www. perseus. com) and then click on Survey Samples. Do you think that it’s more convenient for a consumer to complete a survey on-line or with pencil and paper? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 227.Chapter 9: Elements of Product Planning for Goods and Services Internet Exercise: Procter & Gamble Go to the Procter & Gamble web site (www. pg. com) and click on P&G Products. Find out the brand names of the different shampoos that P&G makes. How are the different brands positioned and what target markets do they appeal too? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 259. Internet Exercise: FDA The FDA’s web site has a page on the new food label requirements that proclaims â€Å"grocery store aisles have become avenues to greater nutritional knowledge. Go to that page at Internet address (www. fda. gov/opacom/backgrounders/foodlabel/newlabel. html) and review the actual label requirements. Do you use this information in deciding what products to buy? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 262. Chapter 10: Product Management and New-Product Development Internet Exercise: WebTV A number of software, hardware, and programming firms are working on products that deliver Internet information via TV. Explore the WebTV web site (www. webtv. com) to find out about one aspect of this idea.Do you think that many people will be interested in quickly adopting WebTV? How does it stack up when you consider the characteristics of an innovation reviewed above? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 275. Internet Exercise: Marketing Intelligence Service Marketing Intelligence Service, Ltd. is a U. S. -based firm that tracks new consumer packaged goods–both successes and failures. Go to its web site (ourworld. compuserve. com/homepages/mktgintelsvc) and click on the What’s New button and then review its selections for new product innovations of the year.Do you think that these products offer customers superior value, or are they just me-too imitations? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 283. Chapter 11: Place and Development of Channel Systems Internet Exercise: Gateway Gateway is a computer company that uses direct distribution to its customers in the U. S. Go to the Gateway web site (www. gateway. com) and think about how it is organized. Given that Gateway doesn’t use different channels of distribution to reach different types of customers, how does it segment the market?For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 301. Internet Exercise: Avon Avon sells cosmetics and other products through independent sales representatives (agents) and also though a catalog (both on-line and printed). Review the Avon web site (www. avon. com). Do you think that Avon’s independent sales representatives would view the web site as competing for their customers’ purchases and a source of conflict or would they think that it helps them promote the product and identify new prospects? Explain your thinking. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 317.Chapter 12: Distribution Customer Service and Logistics Internet Exercise: Virtual Logistics Directory Large corporations often turn to other firms that specialize in logistics–transportation and warehousing services, consultants, developers of computer systems, and the like–to help implement the physical distribution aspects of their marketing strategies. The web site of the Virtual Logistics Directory (www. logisticdirectory. com) lists many logistics specialists and what they do. Go to the web site and select the Integrated Logistics category.Review the descriptions of some of the firms listed, and then pick one. Explain why a large corporation with a logistics problem might seek its help rather than just trying to tackle the problem internally. For related discussion in th e Basic Marketing text, see page 329. Internet Exercise: North Carolina Ports Authority A firm that is just starting to export to international markets may want help figuring out what shipping services are available. The North Carolina Ports Authority’s web site (www. ncports. com) helps provide such information.Go to the web site, select Port Services, and review the different firms and agencies that might be able to provide you with help if you had to ship a large quantity of furniture to the Middle East. Identify an organization from those listed that you might want to contact first, and indicate why. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 334. Chapter 13: Retailers, Wholesalers, and Their Strategy Planning Internet Exercise: INTERSHOP INTERSHOP Communications develops and sells software that companies use to create â€Å"virtual stores† for Internet retailing.For example, it allows a seller to create an on-line catalog that is easy for consume rs to use and it has tools for analyzing sales and keeping track of customers. Go to the firm’s web site (www. intershop. com) and select Products. Review the information provided. (If your computer is equipped to view RealVideo video, you might also want to watch the demo. ) Do you think it would be easier for consumers if all Internet sellers used a common system, such as this one, rather than coming up with many different arrangements? Briefly explain your thinking. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 359.Internet Exercise: Fastenal Visit the Fastenal web site (www. fastenal. com). Check out the different aspects of the Fastenal web site. Give examples of ways that the web site is intended to help Fastenal’s customers and suppliers. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 370. Chapter 14: Promotion–Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications Internet Exercise: Sony Sony produces a very wide variety of prod ucts. Does the information available on the web site (www. sony. com) appear to be part of an integrated marketing communications effort? Explain your thinking.For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 386. Internet Exercise: Campbell’s Soup Visit the Campbell’s Soup web site (www. campbellsoup. com). Does the web site make it easy for you to get information? Does it make you want to spend more time and get more information? Explain your answer. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 395. Chapter 15: Personal Selling Internet Exercise: Motivating Tape Company The Motivating Tape Company sells various sales training videos. Go to the firm’s web site at www. achievement. com and then scroll down and select Sales Training.Review the list of sales training videos offered. If a sales manager were going to rely on some of these tapes for training people just moving into a sales career, what key areas of sales training would he have to cover by some other approach? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 427. Internet Exercise: Symantec Symantec is the maker of various software products, including ACT! personal management software that is used by many salespeople to organize information about their customers, sales calls, and tasks they need to do. Visit the ACT! web site (www. ymantec. com/act) for information about this product. Give a few specific examples of ways that a salesperson could use ACT! to build better relationships with customers. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 431. Chapter 16: Advertising and Sales Promotion Internet Exercise: NarrowCast Media NarrowCast Media is an Internet firm that provides services for firms that want to advertise on the Internet and also for web sites that host Internet advertising. Go to its web site (www. narrowcastmedia. com) and read about NarrowCast Media’s various services.Briefly describe the main benefit s it provides for advertisers and the main benefits it provides for host sites. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 455. Internet Exercise: Catalina Marketing Catalina Marketing Corporation is a supplier of in store, electronic scanner activated consumer promotions. Go to the Catalina web site (www. catalinamktg. com) and select Manufacturer Solutions, then review information about its Sampling Programs. Briefly describe, in your own words, how the sampling program works and describe a situation in which a manufacturer might find it useful.For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 468. Chapter 17: Pricing Objectives and Policies Internet Exercise: International Currency Converter Xenon Laboratories has set up a web site with a system that uses current exchanges rates to convert one country’s currency to another. Go to the web site (www. ausmall. com. au), scroll down to the reference section, and click on International Currency Conv erter. How much is a $100 U. S. worth now in Thai bhats, British pounds, and German marks? How do those number compare with June of 1998 (See Exhibit 17-6)?For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 486. Internet Exercise: ValuPage Catalina, a firm that specializes in targeted sales promotions, set up an on-line system called â€Å"ValuPage. † Consumers can print out a sheet with a list of discounts that sponsoring supermarkets redeem with â€Å"web bucks†Ã¢â‚¬â€œwhich the consumer can then use for any future purchase at the store. Go to the web site (www. supermarkets. com), enter your zip code, and review the system. Do you think this system will be more or less susceptible to fraud than regular coupons? Explain your thinking.For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 492. Chapter 18: Price Setting in the Business World Internet Exercise: Sporting Auction Evergreen Information Technology launched an Internet auction site for many d ifferent categories of sporting goods. Go to the auction web site (www. sportingauction. com) and review the activities in two auction categories, one for a sport that is in season and another sport that is not. For example, you might compare snowboarding and golfing. Do you think that season makes a difference in the bidding activity? Explain your thinking.For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 524. Internet Exercise: Tiffany Tiffany & Co. is widely recognized as one of the world’s premiere jewelers. It commands high prices for what it offers. Go the Tiffany web site (www. tiffany. com) and review the different sections. Do you think that the web site communicates superior customer value to the Tiffany target market? Explain your opinion and point to specific aspects of the web site that support your view. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 528. Chapter 19: Implementing and Controlling Marketing Plans: Evolution and RevolutionI nternet Exercise: BaRaN Systems BaRaN Systems Ltd. has developed a software product called SQC for Excel that works with the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program and makes it easy to do the types of analysis that are useful for quality management. Go to its web site (www. baran-systems. com) and click on the link for SQC for Excel and then at that web page scroll down and look at the â€Å"quick tour† section. What is it about the graphs that makes it easy to see which areas need special attention? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 544. Internet Exercise: CopernicusCopernicus: The Marketing Investment Strategy Group has developed a comprehensive procedure, The Copernican Decision Navigator, that its consultants have used as the basis for performing marketing audits for many major corporations. The procedure determines if the firm is using â€Å"best practices† in planning and implementing its strategies. Go the Copernicus web site (www. copern icusmarketing. com), scroll down to the items under â€Å"about Copernicus,† and select the link for Marketing Best Practices. Review what is involved in the Copernicus procedure. What are the advantages of having outside experts do this sort of audit?For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 562. Chapter 20: Managing Marketing's Link with Other Functional Areas Internet Exercise: Cductive CDuctive offers an on-line service in which the customer selects certain tracts of music and, for a fee, CDuctive will create a custom CD of those selections. Explore the CDuctive web site (www. cductive. com), and then list what you think are the major (1) strengths and (2) weaknesses of its approach. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 578. Internet Exercise: ITW ITW, Inc. has a variety of different businesses that produce different products.Go to the ITW web site (www. itwinc. com) and then select the list of other ITW web sites. After you brie fly review the descriptions of ITW’s different web sites, select ITW Brands and study it in more detail. From a cost standpoint, does it make sense to have a unit like ITW Brands? Why or why not? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 581. Chapter 21: Developing Innovative Marketing Plans Internet Exercise: Survey of Buying Power The Survey of Buying Power has an on-line site that is available on a pay-for-use basis. However, a sample section is available without charge.Go to the web site (www. sbponline. com) and select Samples and then select Samples of Site97. Look at the Income Trend Report (and others if you wish). How would this information be helpful to a retail chain that is considering a new facility for this sample market? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 604. Internet Exercise: Maytag Go to the Maytag web site (www. maytag. com) and review the information about the Neptune line. Do you see any indication that the st rategy for Neptune is changing from what is described in the case that introduces this chapter? Explain your point of view.For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 614. Chapter 22: Ethical Marketing in a Consumer-Oriented World: Appraisal and Challenges Internet Exercise: Ikea Ikea is an innovative furniture company that is using its web site to refine its strategy. It has always relied on information technology to keep costs low by tracking sales at individual stores and using the information to control inventory and reduce shipping costs between the factory, distribution centers, and its massive retail stores. Go to the Ikea web site (www. ikea. com). What else does the web site tell you about Ikea’s strategy?Will the web site help Ikea offer superior value? Explain your answer. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 629. Internet Exercise: Obvious Implementations Obvious Implementations Corp. is a small consulting and manufacturing firm. Go to its web page (www. obviously. com) and then select How to stop junk mail, e-mail and phone calls. Read through the information and, if you wish, follow some of the links to other sites listed. Should it be easier to avoid mail, e-mail, and calls you don’t want? Explain your thinking. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 636.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

MHE512 Disaster Relief Module 2 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MHE512 Disaster Relief Module 2 SLP - Essay Example This state of affairs culminated in the impeachment and subsequent resignation of President Joseph Estrada in 2002, a popular figure for the masses. Succeeding him was then Vice President Gloria Arroyo who was subjected to questions of legitimacy and yearly impeachment complaints until she was officially elected in the 2004 national presidential race. The impeachment did not stop and became an annual affair with complainants rushing to be the first to file. Military and police authorities are also embroiled in the political struggle and many of them have attempted to overthrow the civilian government. (Balisacan, 2004) Corruption is also rampant in the poverty-stricken rural regions as political leaders swindle local public treasury coffers. Many projects are padded and made to appear very expensive when there was minimal expense or no projects at all implemented. Transparency International, an agency devoted to rooting out corruption, conducted a Corruption Perceptions Index for 99 countries and found that in a scale of 1 (high perception of corruption) to 10 (low corruption perception), the Philippine respondents ranked 3.6 in the index. 72% of the sampled population also believes that public officials are inherently corrupt. Philippines ranked as the 55th least corrupt out of the 99 countries surveyed. Nepotism is also very rampant and many positions in the government are filled with relatives and political allies. Patronage politics is extremely prevalent as patrons are important support systems during elections. Thus, one can find many positions in the government occupied by sons, campaign managers and other supporters. President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is even guilty when he appointed his son, a Congressman, in charge of the National Disaster Council. (Benson, 2005) Economic Philippine economy is an example of a mixed economy as the formerly agrarian country is now experiencing milestones in industrialization. The Republic of the Philippines is now a major exporter of garments, semi-conductors, pharmaceutical products and electronic devices and equipment. Mining is also a big industry as the country is endowed with rich minerals and other natural resources. Many Filipinos are now working abroad as nurses, engineers and household assistants. Their remittances are now the single largest contributor in the economy spurring growth and investment. (Benson, 2005) There is an imbalance of imports and exports with the former outweighing the other. Heavy reliance on imports is also increasing the exposure of the economy to international downturns. With the global recession, the Philippine peso devaluated leading to a multiple-fold increase in international currency debts and shrinking of capital value. Heavy reliance in remittances has proven to be catastrophic as the global recession forced many countries to stop construction developments and send home its international workforce, majority of which are Filipinos. Many expatriates now in the Philippines find themselves with no income opportunities and a depleted savings account. (UNICEF, 2005) Health Since 23% of the population is below the poverty line, many areas in the Philippines

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A perfect Utopia in the words of John Lennons song Imagine Personal Statement

A perfect Utopia in the words of John Lennons song Imagine - Personal Statement Example There are several little fishing villages dotted around its coast, contributing to a thriving industry.   The climate is Mediterranean, with hot dry summers and mild winters.   Although the rock formation is volcanic, there are ancient and effective irrigation and desalination systems in place that help maintain its lush vegetation. While there are no forests, the island is full of many varieties of wildflowers and is ablaze with color and light. The farming and fishing produce surpluses and the revenue go towards maintaining two modern hospitals, free education for all, utilities, and goods not manufactured on Utopia.   Traditional crafts such as lace making, pottery, and winemaking also contribute to the commonwealth of a shared economy. Children are valued and treated as the most important asset in society, not just for the joy they bring to individual families.   They are perceived as the future, the greatest wealth.   Older people are cared for within the family or com munity as a whole and valued for their wisdom.   The elders ensure that laws and customs are passed down, so helping to maintain the moral and ethical structures that have existed here for over 2000 years, leading to peace and happiness for all citizens. Religious beliefs vary, with no specific limits; it is about personal choice; but the overall law of â€Å"Do no harm, and if harm is done, ask forgiveness and make reparation.† has taken on religious significance.  Ã‚  ... There are no age or gender limitations for being a senator, anyone over 14 can take the post, once chosen by their community. It is customary to share goods, skills and labor. There are no prisons as crime is virtually non-existent. Disputes are settled by discussion, resolved with the help of the participants, their families and senate representatives, who together agree a way forward, in line with the rule of law. All children have free education, and those who wish to, can attend university on Utopia and have funding for foreign studies, all from the common purse. Hospitals too are free, and experts in all fields necessary for this society, are available as a result of the education policies. People give of their time, earn a living salary and nobody is left without the means for a happy, healthy life. The atmosphere is happy and relaxed; people really care about each other, looking out for each other's welfare. Divorce is minimal and the extended family provides great physical and emotional support for all. Utopia operates like a big family, and celebrating and sharing suffering together is the norm. Strangers and visitors are welcomed and easily absorbed, just so long as they keep to that one law, and are willing to share their talents and skills for the good of all. As More's vision of Utopia is Greek for "no place", this perfect island and its society might only be a dream. It would be so great if such a dream were to become reality. But as John Lennon pointed out, "You may say I'm a Dreamer, But I'm not the only one"so maybe, just possibly, there is hope for a true Utopia one day.

Monday, October 7, 2019

External and Internal Environmental Analysis on Medtronic's Essay

External and Internal Environmental Analysis on Medtronic's - Essay Example External Environment The Health Care Environment The most important external environmental factor for Medtronic is government regulation. It is mandatory to comply with their regulations, and the government is involved in setting the quality standards and liability laws. The government in the US has increasingly become involved in health care since the creation of Medicaid and Medicaid in the 60s (Medtronic, 2013). Their implementation started a trend of increased medical spending with Medicare expanding the reimbursement for cardiac defibrillators. This has caused the system to move to a strategy of predict and manage from one of diagnose and treat under initiatives for health care expenditure control. Fortunately for the organization, there seems to have been little accomplishment with chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity increasing, whereas an aging population has ensured that there is a steady demand for their products like defibrillators and vascular tents, which Medtronic and their competitors manufacture (Medtronic, 2 013). Because of the government’s immense power, there is an active attempt to influence it with the American Medical Association having been the most powerful, although this is no longer the case (Medtronic, 2013). The entire health care system has come to be defined by special interests. The government also heavily regulates facility providers with some of Medtronic’s competitors closing down due to decreased profits. Because of this, health care facility organizations have been lobbying for improved reimbursement, as well as reimbursement of new research protocols and technology. Medtronic stands to benefit from both of them. In addition, Medtronic is also affected by accrediting bodies. They may have the ability to add facility management value through facilitation and demonstration of quality improvement (Medtronic, 2013). Managed care organizations and 3rd party payer organizations also have lobbying groups that all seek to lower prices offered by Medtronic. Internal S trengths and Weaknesses The greatest strength that Medtronic has historically possessed is strong leadership. The current CEO has been at the organization for 20 years with the average tenure of board members being ten years (The Associated Press, 2013). Medtronic has used this core of committed leaders to sustain industry leadership as the organization has navigated the ever-changing technological world, coupled to constrained health care budgets. Underlying strength for the company is a futuristic business plan that has been born out of a well-established and strong team of leaders. In addition, the company has accomplished the task through other strengths like disciplined approaches to marketing, as well as R&D. Through maintenance of a keen awareness of trends in healthcare and biotechnology, the company has capitalized on R&D from smaller firms via mergers and acquisitions. The company has also been able to establish a recognized brand name, which is essential since health prov iders normally utilize

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Managerial Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Managerial Economics - Essay Example There are several factors that contribute to the pricing of houses in a free market. The Basic Principle of demand and supply This basic principle of demand and supply would chiefly govern the housing market, i.e. when the demand for housing increases the prices will tend to go up in order to reach equilibrium at the present level of supply. This is a typical example of demand and supply. The equilibrium is determined when the price at which the buyer would like to make purchase coincides with the price at which the seller would like to make the trade. Now the value of the housing properties is determined by both the supply side and the demand side factors which include the price at which the seller would like to go for the transaction with a prospective buyer and the actual price which the buyer would like to pay (Ngai and Tenreyro, 2009, p.7). Now when the demand for residence in a particular locality is high then the dearth of supply would cause the market power to shift from the buyers to the sellers and hence prices would be determined by the seller. Thus, when there is excess demand in the housing market the sellers may hoard the residential unit in order to create a price differential and make more profits. On the other hand when the demand for housing is low the sellers might compromise on the prices and it would be a buyer’s market where the buyer would have a lot of control over the settlement of the prices. The demand for housing at a particular area may increase due to demographic reasons as well. Suppose a new industry is set up in a place where previously there was no human establishment, then labour migration will take place in that particular area and those people would need residential investments. Again as the number of divorces is increasing people these days need more residential units separately and hence the demand for housing increases. In the above figure we see that the initial demand for housing in a particular area id D1 and th e initial supply is S1. The vertical axis would represent the prices of the housing units and the horizontal axis would represent the quantity of houses traded in the market of that particular area. The initial equilibrium price and quantity is at P1 and Q1 respectively. Now due to population inflow, the demand for housing units increases to D2. The supply remaining constant at S1, the new equilibrium would be at the point P2Q2. A point to be noted in this context is that due to an increase in demand the quantity supplied is increasing but at the lesser rate than that of the prices, i.e., P1P2 would be greater than Q1Q2. It should be noted that the supply here is relatively inelastic. The reason behind this is that there is a lag in time in between the price change and the augmentation of supply in housing in that area. When the supply of housing becomes more elastic as in the above figure, the supply curve would move in the rightward direction indicated by the arrow. The new supply curve will be S2. Now if we assume that the demand is unchanged then the prices would tend to go down to P3 which is a price that is higher than P1 but lower than P2. On the other, the equilibrium quantity would further move upwards to Q3 which is higher than both Q1 and Q2.  

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Hedley Bull And the Presence of the International Society Essay

Hedley Bull And the Presence of the International Society - Essay Example This report stresses that there are situations where despite a war taking place, no state is able to achieve victory, thus reaching a stalemate. Under such circumstances, both of these states take an active role in ensuring that the order is retained within the international society because long wars might lead to the collapse of the state. This paper has attempted to agree with Hedley Bull’s statement that the international society has always been a part of the world political system. The international society has been based on the actions of states to make sure that their principal interests are catered for while at the same time protecting their existence. In addition, within the world political system, the international society has been in existence mainly through the influence of powerful states over weaker ones. Moreover, throughout history, the world has been dominated by a need to ensure a balance of power so that the state systems that had developed could be protected. It is also essential to note that the international society has been developed through the willingness of states to ensure that they adhere to international laws. Furthermore, diplomacy plays a crucial role in the formation of an international society because it allows for the development of constant contact between the governments of diff erent states. Finally, despite its chaotic nature, war has always been an important factor in the formation of international society throughout history as seen through the various conflicts between states that have eventually resulted in stable systems.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Wrigley Jr. Company Essay Example for Free

Wrigley Jr. Company Essay 1.0 Introduction In June 2002 Blanka Dobrynin, a managing director of Aurora Borealis hedge fund, considers the possible gains from increasing the debt capitalization of The Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company. Blanka suggests Wrigley raise the amount of $3 billion in debt of the capitalization while Wrigley has been conservatively financed and remained no debt at the end of 2001. This report is aiming to analyze whether Wrigley should use $3 billion debt recapitalization to either pay dividends or to repurchase shares. 2.0 Current Capital Structure Generally, firms can choose among various capital structures in order to maximize overall market value of the company. It is proposed however, that Wrigley issues $3 billion in debt. According to the trade-off theory, the optimal capital structure does exist (Kraus and Litzenberger, 1973). The higher level of debt may increase both bankruptcy and financial cost that lead the firm to go or avoid bankruptcy. However, there are several advantages of raising debt capital. Firstly, tax-deductions which decrease the cost of debt. Secondly, stockholders do not have to share the profit when the firm has excess, as debt holders are limited to their fixed return. Finally, stockholders do have voting right but debt holders do not which means the stockholders are controlling the business. 3.0 The Impacts of Proposed Changes The decision to increase $3 billion debt capitalization of the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company by Blanka Dobrynin is to optimize the total value of the company. Firms are often inclined to choose debt over equity in order to use the tax shield. As the increasing of $3 billion debt in Wrigley’s capital structure, its equity value will increase by $1.2 billion due to the tax shield. Also this proposal of recapitalization will help Wrigley’s equity decrease by only $1.8 billion when they payout $3 billion debt, due to the offset by the $1.2 billion tax shield. According to our calculations, through recapitalization Wrigley’s total asset will be $14,459,826, which consists of $3,157,127 debt and $11,302,699 equity. In general, firms prefer to keep a higher level of debt/equity ratio to obtain larger total capital to increase the firm’s total value. But it is obvious that more debt means more risk and more payout. By assessing the spreadsheet, it suggests several reasons for and against the acquisition of debt. If the Wrigley’s debt increases, its credit rating will drop from AAA to BB, which leads to more cost of future financing and value of stocks. However, as debt can increase firm value up to a degree, we recommend that Wrigley’s find an optimal capital structure through further analysis of whether $3 billion of debt provides the smallest possible Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) for the firm. 3.1 Flexibility and Reserves According to Denis (2011), financial flexibility is the ability of a firm to make decisions and handle problems timely. Moreover, the firm should always maximize their firm value on any unexpected changes in investment opportunity and cash flows of the firm. In addition, the firm should prudently raise their capital in the good times to avoid stretching their capabilities too far, and in order to preserve their ability to choose to either borrow or issue equity in future times of need. Therefore, the lower level of firm’s debt, the more financial flexibility a firm has (Investopedia, 2014). Due to that $3 billion new debt existing, the financial flexibility of Wrigley will decline; this financial activity leads to lower ability to borrow money in the future if there are any profitable investment opportunities or any unexpected internal or external shocks. 3.2 The Book and Market Price per Share As is visible from the Appendix One, the decision of how to use the funds raised through debt is an important one as it will impact both the price per share and the book value per share. The price per share will decrease to $48.63 if the debt raised is used to pay out a dividend (decrease in the value of equity), whereas the price per share will increase to $61.53 if it is used to repurchase shares. However, the issuance of debt can have signalling effects for investors. Generally, when firms issue debt it signals to investors that the firm is in a good financial situation as the firm is able to undertake repayments of future interest. Furthermore, the clientele effect can impact the stock price because it assumes that the investors are attracted to the company for its policies and when these change the investors will react and adjust their stock accordingly (Moles Terry, 2005). In addition to this, the issuance of debt and repurchase of stock could signal to investors that managers believe the stock in undervalued. Despite this change in price, the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) will give a more accurate representation of what the change in capital structure implies for the firm, by taking account the costs of debt. 3.3 Weighted Average Cost of Capital Before recapitalisation Wrigley’s WACC was equal to it’s cost of equity (ke), which was calculated at 10.95%. After capitalisation it was found that Wrigley’s WACC decreased to 10.29%. This follows the general pattern of increasing debt resulting in a lower WACC. The cost of debt (kd) rate of 13% was used after we assessed the key industrial financial ratios and compared  them with that of Wrigley’s (See Appendix 2) to conclude that it was in the range between the BB rate of 12.753% and B 14.663% (see Appendices 3 4). Although WACC has decreased, which means that every $1 that Wrigley raises in capital from investors it must pay at least $10.30 in return, it’s Beta has increased from 0.75 to 0.87. This means that Wrigley’s investment is still less volatile than the market, but it has become more in line with the market after recapitalisation. However Beta will not incorporate the risk of financial distress that becomes present once Wrigley have taken out the debt. 4.0 Conclusions and Recommendations Therefore, from our analysis we know that an increase in debt can have adverse affects on flexibility and can have costs associated such as bankruptcy, agency and distress costs, however, due to the tax shield affects and the decrease in WACC we believe there should an increase in the level of debt. In addition, the share price change is not consistent with the change in WACC and it could be assumed that the distress costs associated with the increase in debt would mean the price would actually remain relatively steady to reflect the negligible change. We recommend that Wrigley issue $3 billion of debt in the form of share repurchase plan because this scenario has no defining impact upon WACC – slightly decreasing from 10.95% to 10.29%, and as a company’s main goal is to increase its’ shareholders value. Furthermore there are fewer risks in terms of clientele effect and signalling effect, while also allowing the Wrigley family to maintain their control with their high portion of shares. However, we recommend further analysis to determine what is the optimal level of debt by finding the lowest possible WACC, and therefore maximising the company’s value. 5.0 Reference List DeAngelo, H., DeAngelo, L., Whited T.M., (2011) Capital structure dynamics and transitory debt. Journal of Financial Economics, 99, 235–261. Denis, D J. (2011) Financial flexibility and corporate liquidity. Journal of Corporate Finance, 17(3), 667-674. Franco Modigliani; Merton H. Miller . (Jun., 1958) The American Economic Review, Vol. 48, No. 3. , pp. 261-297. Investopedia. (2014). Complete Guide To Corporate Finance. Retrieved from Investopedia (2014). Optimal Capital Structure. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 19 Aug 2014]. Kraus, A. and R. Litzenberger (1973). A State-Preference model of optimal financial leverage. Journal of Finance, Vol. 28, pp. 911-922. Moles, P., Terry, N. (2005). Clientele effect. The Handbook of International Finance Terms. Retrieved from Myers, S.C. (2001). Capital structure. Journal of Economic Perspective, Vol. 15, pp. 81-102. Tsuji, C. (2012) A discussion on the signalling hypothesis of dividend poilcy. The Open Business Journal, 5, 1-7. Retrieved from